Commercial Swarm Trap / Plywood NUC - Instructions - If you purchased a commercial swarm trap from us and selected "unassembled" during checkout, you will receive in your shipping box the component parts pictured above. We provide this picture of the completed item for reference. Read below this reference image for the simplest steps to construct the commercial-grade swarm trap.

Skip to the Youtube Video for visual instructions, otherwise use text instructions below.

The easiest method to follow the Commercial Swarm Trap - Instructions is this:

  • 1. Glue and nail or staple part C (bottom) to parts A (sides). Notice that the rear of the commercial swarm trap bottom is flush with the rear of the two sides. The bottom is cut longer to form a landing pad for bees.
  • 2. Glue the two long edges of part D (front) and also the edge closest to the entrance hole. Place glued part D (front) between parts A (sides) and push it down until it is flush with part C (bottom). Nail or staple it in place.
  • 3. Glue the two long edges of part E (back) and also one of the short edges, this short edge place down towards part C (bottom). Place glued part E (back) between parts A (sides) and push it down until it is flush with part C (bottom). Nail or staple it in place.
  • 4. glue and nail or staple parts F (shims) in place making sure they are flush with the top of the sides. This forms your frame rest to hold your 5 deep frames.
  • 5. Glue and staple parts G (lid shims) to part B (lid). These should be glued to the front and back edge of the lid. These form your migratory cover for your commercial swarm trap.
  • 6. Paint the entire swarm trap exterior with at least two coats minimum of a good quality exterior grade latex paint. Do not paint the inside of the trap, but DO paint the inside and outside of the lid.

Anyone can follow the Commercial Swarm Trap - Instructions. It's easy and you can do it!